Who is a cadastral engineer?
The specialty of a cadastral engineer appeared in Russia not so long ago. Many people already know that these are specialists in the field of preparing documentation for cadastral registration. Anyone with higher education and a list of secondary technical specialties can become a specialist in this field.It is worth noting here that such specialists require some training in the subjects and programs that they will use in their cadastral activities.After the emergence of a new specialty, quite a lot of people rushed into this field, who received the necessary certificates and started working. Of course, working in this field requires basic knowledge of geodesy, registration of rights, land management, norms of technical description of real estate, valuation and urban planning. This is necessary in order to link the data obtained for the cadastre with other information available.If the cadastral engineer does not have an understanding in the above areas, then this can lead to errors in the preparation of various documents. And since the field of activity is new, at first there were many different errors in the activities of cadastral engineers. For example, data entered in the wrong section or incorrect information used by other departments.Some time ago, there was a wave of cancellation of certificates of cadastral engineers. This happened after the adoption of a number of laws on activities in the field of the state real estate cadastre. They clarified the requirements that a specialist in this field must meet.In particular, it said that the applicant for this status must have at least 2 years of work experience and higher education. In addition, the obligation to undergo advanced training once every 3 years was introduced. At the same time, the amount of training should be at least 40 hours.The updated laws also established grounds for revoking certificates and suspending the activities of participants in this field. In addition, in general, the requirements for these specialists have been revised. Their rights and obligations were defined, and standards for supervision of their work were introduced. It is also important that the cadastral engineer must now eliminate the technical errors committed at his own expense.The new changes include the mandatory availability of higher education. Moreover, the list of specialties has been significantly reduced. There are also requirements for work experience. An important point was the requirement of regular training for advanced training. As a result, this should ensure that interested people, not just casual workers, work in this area. Discover an eclectic mix of models on
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